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Active wife and mom learns to navigate life after spinal cord injury

“I had no clue the struggle that somebody in a wheelchair goes through every day, until now,” said Amanda Snook.
A car crash left Amanda Snook with a spinal cord injury and a new way of life. “I had to overcome the fear of getting behind a wheel again, from my accident,” said Amanda.
Thanks to Madonna’s help, Amanda conquered her fears as she worked to get back behind the wheel for her family.
“It gives me more independence. I don’t have to count on anybody. I can take my boys to sports practices. It’s getting my life back and getting back to doing the things I did before my accident,” explained the active mom. 
Madonna’s driver retraining program armed Amanda with the tools and confidence she needed.
“I know if I wasn’t here and couldn’t take care of myself, I wouldn’t be able to take care of three boys. I’m doing this to better myself and know that I can go home and be totally capable of taking care of them because everybody here has taught me how to take care of myself,” said Amanda. 
“You work your butt of here, and you work to get where you are when you leave. I can’t even believe where I am today,” said Amanda.
“I had to believe from the very start that I was going to overcome this and with the help of everybody at Madonna, I have done that.”
Learn more about Madonna’s unique spinal cord injury program.