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Isra Somanas – 2015 GOAL Award

Isra Somanas is an outgoing 26-year-old with an inquisitive mind and active body. Four years ago, the Bangkok, Thailand, native moved to Nebraska to pursue a mechanical engineering degree at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Isra is also an avid cyclist and dancer –passions that nearly cost him his life.
On July 15, 2013, Isra was riding his bicycle home from a night of swing dancing when he was hit by a car in Lincoln. Isra was rushed to Bryan West Medical Center where doctors assessed his injuries – a broken pelvis, collapsed lung and a traumatic brain injury.
Isra’s parents immediately flew from Thailand to support their son. More than 1,000 people worldwide offered encouragement on a Facebook page, “Praying for Isra.”
Within two weeks, Isra woke from a medically-induced coma and transferred to Madonna. Technology and the expertise of Isra’s care team challenged him mentally and physically. Teachers in the Kit Scott Therapeutic Learning Center kept Isra focused on his academics. During 45 days of inpatient therapy, Isra progressed from being on life support to dancing in therapy. Regaining his memory and cognitive skills boosted his self-confidence. In September, 2013, Isra began Madonna’s TherapyPlus Outpatient Rehabilitation Day Program and within two months had achieved all his goals.
Isra has resumed his active lifestyle and proudly accepted his college diploma this past May. Grateful for life, Isra credits his recovery to supportive family, friends, his Madonna team and ultimately, to God. “It proves He answers prayers.”